How do I track the freight in TruckLogics?
2.0k views | Last modified 6/24/2021 6:54:37 AM EST | Added by TruckLogics Team

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To do that, you need to create a driver account and provide them the access to use the TruckLogics mobile app. Drivers can then add check calls that will notify you of the freight status either manually or automatically. The other option is to enable the Freight Tracking feature to get automatically notified when the truck covers a distance that you configure.

Create Driver Account
You first need to create a driver account. To do that, 

  1. Go to Settings >> Manage Users >> Users.
  2. Click Add User. Choose Driver and click Next.
  3. Add or select a driver and enter an Email Address and Phone Number.
  4. Enter or generate a password and click Create. 

Once the account is created, the driver can install the mobile app from the Appstore or Playstore and sign in to TruckLogics.

Manual Freight Status Notification 
From the driver mobile app, your driver can notify you on the freight status manually during Add Check Call.  They can choose options to notify you by Email or Text SMS.

Automatic Freight Status Notification 
Rather than waiting for your driver to manually send an email or text messages on the dispatch status, you can opt to automatically receive the status or track in real-time without the driver's action. Then, whenever your driver adds a check call and saves it, you'll receive the email notifications automatically.  
You can enable the feature at the account level under Settings >> Dispatch >> Check Call Settings. Enable Automatic Check Call notification for few or all check call activities. To enable at the dispatch level, choose Check Call tab of the dispatch and enable the check call activities you like to be notified.

You can also enable this from your mobile app. Go to Settings >> Notifications >> Notification for Driver Activity.

Freight Tracking
But what if your driver misses adding check calls. In such a case, you can track them in real-time by enabling the Freight Tracking feature. This feature will let you receive automatic notifications for every specific mile your truck runs during a dispatch. And, before enabling this feature, make sure your drivers use a GPS enabled device.  

To enable the feature, go to Settings >> Dispatch Settings >> Freight Tracking.  Also, under Auto Check Call Radius, set the radius in miles/meters to receive notifications when the truck covers that distance.

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