How ProMiles help to generate tripsheet to calculate miles?
Last modified 6/28/2021 8:30:06 AM EST |
Added by TruckLogics Team
For accurate filing and to avoid penalties, it is critical that we accurately calculate the taxable and non-taxable miles for each jurisdiction the vehicle travels. It is quite cumbersome to calculate these figures accurately.
With our integration with Promiles, you can generate trip sheets with a single click of a button. It's a quick, easy, and accurate method to calculate the taxable miles!
With ProMiles, the calculation of taxable and non-taxable miles for each state jurisdiction is available. Also, ProMiles has Fuel Optimization and Route planning features.
Here's how to generate a tripsheet using Promiles:
- For a dispatch, under the Trip Sheet tab, select Enter Trip Sheet Using Promiles.
- Choose a default Routing Method to calculate the miles for your trip.
- Enter the trip start date and time
- Enter the Start and End Locations.
- Click Save and Calculate miles.
The taxable and non-taxable miles will be automatically calculated in the Trip Log based on the start and end locations. The taxable miles will be used for IFTA report generation.
Watch the video below to learn more about ProMiles integration