When I assign a driver to dispatch, I only want to pull up the trucks he drives. How do I do that?
909 views | Last modified 6/28/2021 8:28:27 AM EST | Added by TruckLogics Team

Applicable To
Fleet Managers Drivers Leased Operators Owner Operators Brokers IFTA Reporting

You can assign Trucks & Trailers to individual drivers as part of the driver preferences. Once you do that, when the driver is assigned a dispatch, only the truck and trailer linked will be assigned automatically to the dispatch.

Here's how you can set driver preferences:

  1. Log in to your TruckLogics account.
  2. Go to Truck Zone >> Driver Preferences.
  3. Under the Driver Preferences Tab, select the truck & trailer from the drop-down against the driver's name.
  4. Click Save.

Next time, when this driver is assigned to a dispatch, only the trucks & trailers linked to the driver will be pulled up.

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