How to pull my vehicle information from Motive?
Last modified 6/30/2022 3:27:55 AM EST |
Added by TruckLogics Team
Motive users can pull their truck details from Motive and import them into TruckLogics. The trucks are added under TruckZone and can then be used for assigning dispatches and IFTA reporting.
Here’s how to import trucks into TruckLogics from Motive,
• Go to Truck Zone >> Equipment.
• Click Import Trucks >> Import from Motive.
• If you have not logged into Motive earlier, you need to enter your Motive credentials.
• Choose the trucks to be created in TruckLogics. The trucks on the left are pulled from Motive for you to choose to pull into TruckLogics.
Click Import to proceed to import them into TruckLogics
After importing, the trucks will be listed under TruckZone. But, only the number of trucks allowed for your account’s plan will be in Active status.