How to delete trip sheet entries in TruckLogics?
Last modified 12/8/2022 2:02:32 AM EST |
Added by TruckLogics Team
Applicable To
Fleet Managers
Leased Operators
Owner Operators
IFTA Reporting
In TruckLogics, you can delete the trip sheet entries individually, not the complete trip sheet.
Here is how you can delete the trip sheet entries:
Step 1:
Navigate to the ‘Dispatches’ tab. Under ‘All Dispatches’, you can filter the specific dispatches based on the given options. Related dispatches will be listed below.
Step 2:
Select a particular dispatch and navigate to the ‘Trip Sheet’ tab. All the trip entries will be displayed below.
Step 3:
Click the delete icon under the ‘Actions’ column. You can only delete the individual entries, not the complete Trip sheet.
Step 4:
A pop-up will be displayed to confirm the deletion. Click 'Yes' to confirm.