TruckLogics' Profit Estimator Explained
581 views | Last modified 7/4/2024 3:14:37 AM EST | Added by TruckLogics Team

Applicable To
Fleet Managers Drivers Leased Operators Owner Operators Brokers IFTA Reporting

The Profit Estimator Tool is designed to help trucking companies and owner-operators estimate their potential profits for the load by taking into account various factors such as miles, charges, and expenses. 

The tool will provide an estimate of your potential profit for a given load based on the factors you've entered. However, please note that the Profit Estimator Tool is designed to provide a rough estimate, and actual profits may vary due to unforeseen circumstances or additional expenses. 

It's recommended to update the values as required for your business to ensure accurate profit estimations.

Usage Instructions


  • Loaded Miles: Enter the total loaded miles for the load.
  • Deadhead Miles: Enter the total empty miles driven without the load. This will require if you are willing to charge your customer for the empty miles. 


  • Loaded and Deadhead charges: Select how you would like to charge the hauling fee and deadhead miles. You can either charge by flat fee or pay per mile. Select and enter the rate (Value) and your charges will be calculated automatically. 
  • Additional charges: You can also opt to add any additional charges that incur the load. 


  • Fuel Cost Estimation: It is calculated by the average MPG (miles per gallon) of the truck and the fuel cost per gallon. Enter the current cost of fuel per gallon, and your truck's MPG to know the estimated fuel cost for the load.
  • Driver Settlement: Select the payment type for your driver(s). You can select to pay by mile, percentage of hauling fee, and pay by hour. Simply select and enter the value to know the estimated settlement for the load.
  • Toll and Other Expenses: You can also add any toll and other expenses that may incur for this load.

Revenue and Profit Summary

 You can preview the summary of the Revenue, Profit, and expenses with the split up.  

  • revenue per mile
  • profit per mile 
  • cost per mile 
  • fuel cost per mile

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