How do I change my vehicle's distance data once pulled in the information from Motive's ELDs?
1.1k views | Last modified 4/28/2022 9:46:50 AM EST

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Fleet Managers Drivers Leased Operators Owner Operators Brokers IFTA Reporting

To report IFTA, you will need to pull in the distance and fuel data of the trucks chosen for IFTA reporting. When reporting your quarterly IFTA in TruckLogics, you will find the trucks listed under Truck List that are either imported from Motive or added directly under TruckZone.

You need to select the trucks to pull the ELD recorded distance data from Motive. If required, you can modify the distance data for each vehicle by clicking Edit Miles under Trip Details. The MPG will be calculated based on the modified distance data. Modifying the distance data during IFTA reporting will not impact the original data on Motive.

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