How can Motive users file IFTA reports in TruckLogics?
1.4k views | Last modified 10/26/2023 9:51:01 AM EST | Added by TruckLogics Team

Generating IFTA reports manually for every quarter by entering the distance traveled and fuel purchased against each jurisdiction is time-consuming. 

Motive users who use TruckLogics to manage their business can easily import the truck data from their Motive account and generate the IFTA reports.

Here's how to import vehicle data from Motive and generate an IFTA report in TruckLogics:

Step 1:

From the IFTA tab, choose ‘Tax year’ and Click ‘Start Return’ under the quarter to which you need to file.

Step 2:

To import trucks from Motive, select Continue >> Add Trucks >> Import From Motive

Step 3:

To access Motive, please provide your Motive login information if you haven't already done so.

Select the truck(s) that needs to be imported to TruckLogics. When importing, if any of the listed trucks already exist in TruckLogics, you can match them using the unit number to prevent duplication. 

It's important to note that one unit number should not be matched with more than one truck. If a truck cannot be matched with an existing unit number, it will be added as a new truck. 

The trucks on the left are retrieved from your Motive account. On the right side, you can find a dropdown where you can choose the unit number to match a particular truck. Once done, click ‘Import’.

Step 4: 

A confirmation pop-up will be shown with the number of trucks that are about to be imported into TruckLogics. Click ‘Proceed’ to import the trucks.

By importing them from a Motive account, you can automatically retrieve all the necessary data, such as Jurisdiction, distance traveled, and fuel details. This means you won't have to enter any information, saving you time and effort manually.

Step 5:

Imported trucks will be displayed, and choose the trucks for which you need to file the IFTA report and click ‘Next’ to proceed.

Step 6: 

Now click on “Continue” from “Pull Data from Motive” to fetch your vehicle details

Step - 7: 

IFTA summary report will be displayed. All the cumulative distance & fuel consumption details will be displayed. Click ‘Next’ to proceed.

Step 8:

Choose the required option from the reports and click Next to proceed.

Step 9:

Your IFTA tax due and penalty (if any) details will be calculated and displayed. Click ‘Next’ to proceed.


Step 10:

If there are any errors, it will be displayed for you to fix them. If not, you can click “Next” to proceed further.

Step 11 : 

Enter the credit card details, and the IFTA report will be available for download. Click ‘Download IFTA PDF’ to download the IFTA file.



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