How to add trucks and trailers in TruckLogics?
703 views | Last modified 10/27/2023 12:48:22 AM EST | Added by TruckLogics Team

Applicable To
Fleet Managers Drivers Leased Operators Owner Operators Brokers IFTA Reporting

TruckLogics allows you to add any number of trucks and equipment. 

Here’s how you can add trucks and equipment:

To add a new truck manually: 

a) From 'Truck Zone', Click 'Equipment” and Select the option ‘Truck’  from the dropdown menu.

b) You can then provide the following details.

  • Unit Number - Truck is identified by its unit number.
  • Model year - Truck manufactured year.
  • Fuel Type - Select the truck’s fuel type from the drop-down menu.
  • Gross Vehicle weight - The combined weight of the cargo, accessories, and any additional loads, such as trailers, etc.

 You can also opt to choose the truck to be ‘Included in Billing’ and ‘Include for IFTA reporting’. 

The trucks chosen for IFTA reporting will be automatically listed under the IFTA tab to be included in IFTA reporting. 


  • Vehicle Details: You can provide the owner's name, VIN number, height, serial number, etc.
  • License & Insurance: You can provide details such as License Plate number, License Expire, Inspection date, and Insurance details.
  • Last Location:  You can provide the address of the truck’s last location address and current odometer reading.
  • Additional Details:  You can provide details such as the cost of the truck, color, etc.
  • Documents:  You can attach any truck-related documents and store them in your TruckLogics account under this truck. 

Once done, you will see a popup message, ‘Truck added successfully'.

Note: You can also add trucks from dispatch screen while assigning driver. To do so, Click Add New >> Truck 

To add a new trailer manually: 

a) From 'Truck Zone', Click 'Add New' >> Select the option ‘Trailer’.


b) Add the basic trailer details such as Unit Number, Model year, Make, and the status of the trailer. Click ‘Continue’. 

c)  Once done, click ‘Continue’. You will be provided with a few optional sections such as:

  • Trailer Details
  • License & Insurance
  • Last Location
  • Additional Details
  • Documents

As mentioned earlier, you can either click ‘Skip’ or add details and click ‘Continue’ in each section.

Once done, you will get the popup message ‘Trailer added successfully’.

Managing Trucks and Trailers:

  • You can view the added trucks and trailers under 'TruckZone’ >> ‘Equipment’
  • You can perform actions like ‘View’, ‘Edit’, or ‘Delete’ the particular truck or trailer by clicking on the ‘Action’ menu. 
  • Use filter options to view the equipment based on the requirement.

Import Your Trucks from Motive:

 From 'Truck Zone', Click 'Equipment” and Select the option
“Import From Motive”

Now select the trucks you want to add to TruckLogics and click on “Import”

Click on “Yes Proceed” to import the trucks to TruckLogics.

Click here to learn more about how to import trucks from Motive.

Import Your Trucks from samsara:

 From 'Truck Zone', Click 'Equipment” and Select the option
“Import From Samsara”

Now select the trucks you want to add to TruckLogics and click on “Import”

Click on “Yes Proceed” to import the trucks to TruckLogics.

Click here to learn more about Samsara IFTA reporting


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