How to generate a Bill of Lading (BOL) in TruckLogics?
5.4k views | Last modified 9/26/2022 1:31:23 AM EST | Added by TruckLogics Team

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A Bill of Lading (BL or BoL) is a legal document that specifies the type, quantity, pick up, and delivery location of the goods being transported by a carrier. So when a carrier delivers the goods to a designated location, the bill of lading also qualifies as a shipment receipt. This document must be signed by an authorized representative from the carrier, shipper, and receiver.
TruckLogics helps you to generate BOL for each dispatch. Here’s how TruckLogics facilitates the process: 

Please make sure to add the freight details while creating a load so it is auto-filled while generating the BOL. 

Here's how to generate a BOL for a dispatch:

Step 1:

Go to ‘Dispatches’ >> Select the Dispatch >> Click ‘Generate BOL’ under the ‘BOL’ section or Navigate to the ‘BOL’ tab directly.

Step 2: 

In the ‘BOL’ tab, the Shipper, Consignee, and Freight details are automatically filled in based on the load summary. 

Provide the ‘BOL Number’, which is mandatory. The number can be alphanumeric.

Step 3: 

Fill in the ‘Pick-up’ and ‘Delivery Instructions’ (optional).

You can provide some specific instructions for the driver or carrier, like the exact location of the products to be delivered, the deadline, and the name, address, phone number, and email address of the person to contact if pick-up or delivery problems arise. 

Step 4: 

Provide the ‘Instructions of BOL’ (mandatory). 

You can add any important instructions regarding the BOL to the carrier handling the item.

Step 5: 

Additionally, you will have more fields in which you can give more instructions to the driver, shipper, and consignee if required. 

Depending on the duties allocated, giving the person a specific instruction would allow them to act in accordance with those instructions.

Step 6: 

Click ‘Generate BOL’.

Once the BOL is generated, you can also,

  • Edit or Delete the BOL.
  • Print or Fax the BOL.
  • Send the copy of BOL via Email
  • Request E-sign BOL.

E-Sign BOL

TruckLogics allows you to send requests to have the BOL signed electronically. E-sign BOL not only guarantees a quicker turnaround and makes your signing process convenient. 

Under ‘Signees List’, click ‘Request to E-Sign’ to send in the request for signature to the driver, shipper, or consignee.

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