How to add a customer in TruckLogics?
460 views | Last modified 11/1/2022 1:53:32 AM EST | Added by TruckLogics Team

Applicable To
Fleet Managers Drivers Leased Operators Owner Operators Brokers IFTA Reporting

TruckLogics allows you to create a new contact for Customers, and you can use this customer information while creating loads, dispatches, and invoices. 

Here’s how to add a new customer:

Step 1:

From the Dashboard, Go to the ‘Address Book’ menu (or) click ‘Add New’ and >> Select ‘Contact’

On the Address Book page, click on ‘Add New’ and select 'Customer',

Step 2: 

Provide the ‘Basic Details’ such as Company Name, Contact Name, Email Address, or any other information if required, and Click ‘Save & Continue’.

Step 3:

Apart from these details, there are a few optional sections available regarding Customer information:

Optional Information:

  • ‘Addresses’- Provide the mandatory mailing address details and ‘Save’ the information. 
  • ‘Additional Contacts’- While creating loads for this customer, you can assign any number of contacts for your future communication and ‘Continue’. 
  • ‘Other Info’- You can provide the broker’s Facebook, Twitter, website URL, and terms.

Step 4: 

Provide your business’s ‘Location’ information (mandatory) and click ‘Save’ or ‘Continue’

Once done, you will get the popup message ‘Customer added successfully’.

Step 5: 

After adding the customers to your account, you can ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ their information in the ‘Address Book’ by using the options under the ‘Actions’ column.  


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