How to associate the trucks from Samsara with the ones already in TruckLogics?
Last modified 8/11/2023 7:55:13 AM EST |
Added by TruckLogics Team
Applicable To
Fleet Managers
Leased Operators
Owner Operators
IFTA Reporting
Yes. To access your Samsara trucks in your TruckLogics account, first log into Samsara with your email and password, then select the trucks that you would like to import.
If any of the listed trucks already exist in your TruckLogics account, you can merge them using the unit number to avoid duplication. Keep in mind that each unit number should be assigned to only one truck. If a truck cannot be matched with an existing unit number, it will be added as a new truck.
You can find your Samsara trucks on the left side. On the right, there is a dropdown menu where you can choose the corresponding unit number for a specific truck. After selecting the unit number, click “Import”.